The Stochasium
Keep off the Borderlands
Monday Morning Fever (Castaway) (E261)

Monday Morning Fever (Castaway) (E261)

Last week was a rough one so I’m just trying to play catch up here. Fortunately, I have some awesome messages to share from Lex Mandrake of Dank Dungeons (YouTube) & Matthew Chiamis of Monomyth Games (, Murke the Meek (podcast), and Joe Richter of Hindsightless (podcast).

Find Castaway here and the new solo supplement here

Music by Timothy J. Drennon

"Warning" by Lieren of Updates From the Middle of Nowhere

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The Stochasium
Keep off the Borderlands
Welcome to Keep off the Borderlands.
Initially a podcast documenting my return to table top roleplay gaming following a thirty-year hiatus.
Currently searching for excuses for why I haven't GM'd yet.
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