In this episode, I respond to an awesome call from Joe Richter of Hindsightless regarding Mythic Bastionland before getting into some 4D roleplaying feedback from Anthony “Runeslinger” Boyd of Casting Shadows (podcast & YouTube) and Che Webster of Roleplay Rescue (podcast & blog) that leads to me reassessing of some of my assumptions regarding this approach to play.
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The Grand Illusion (4D Feedback) (E252)
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In this episode, I respond to an awesome call from Joe Richter of Hindsightless regarding Mythic Bastionland before getting into some 4D roleplaying feedback from Anthony “Runeslinger” Boyd of Casting Shadows (podcast & YouTube) and Che Webster of Roleplay Rescue (podcast & blog) that leads to me reassessing of some of my assumptions regarding this approach to play.